Friday, 20 July 2012

Top 10 Fastest Super Computers


Sequoia is a petascale Blue Gene/Q supercomputer being constructed by IBM for the National Nuclear Security Administration as part of the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program (ASC). It was delivered to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2011 and will be fully deployed in 2012.

2-K Computer

The K computer – named for the Japanese word "kei", which stands for 10 quadrillion[1] – is a supercomputer being produced by Fujitsu at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science campus in Kobe, Japan.

In June 2011, the TOP500 ranked K the world's fastest supercomputer, with a rating of over 8 petaflops, and in November 2011, K became the first computer to top 10 petaflops. It is expected to become fully operational in November 2012.

3-Mira Blue Gene

The 10-petaflop IBM Blue Gene/Q supercomputer, named "Mira", will be operational in 2012 and made available to scientists from industry, academia and government research facilities around the world.

"Computation and supercomputing are critical to solving some of our greatest scientific challenges, like advancing clean energy and understanding the Earth's climate," said Rick Stevens, associate laboratory director for computing, environment and life sciences at Argonne National Laboratory.  "Argonne's new IBM supercomputer will help address the critical demand for complex modeling and simulation capabilities, which are essential to improving our economic prosperity and global competitiveness."


The SuperMUC is the name of a new supercomputer of the Leibiniz-Rechezentrum (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre) in Garching near Munich which will provide a sustained computing power in the petaflop/s regime. The SuperMUC will have 147,456 cores and a peak performance of about 3 petaflop/s (=1015 FLOPS). The main memory will be 288 terabyte (=1012 bytes) together with 12 petabytes (=1015 bytes) hard disk space based on the IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) file system. The hardware will be based on the Xeon architecture. The system will use 18,432 Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge-EP processors running in IBM System x iDataPlex servers. It will also use a new form of cooling that IBM developed, called Aquasar, that uses water to cool the processors, a design that should cut cooling electricity usage by 40 percent, IBM claims.

5-Tianhe 1-A

Located at the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin, China, it was the fastest computer in the world from October 2010 to June 2011 and is one of the few Petascale supercomputers in the world.


Built by Cray at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The massively parallel Jaguar has a peak performance of just over 1,750 teraflops (1.75 petaflops).


The FERMI computing system installed at CINECA in June 2012 for the Italian and European scientific and industrial research is the most powerful supercomputer available in Italy today. The FERMI new Italian computing system is an IBM Blue Gene/Q configured with 10.240 PowerA2 sockets running at 1.6GHz, with 16 cores each, for a total of 163.840 compute cores and a system peak performance of 2.1 PFlops. Each processor comes with 16Gbyte of RAM (1Gbyte per core).


JUQUEEN is an IBM Blue Gene/Q system

9-Curie Thin nodes

The Curie supercomputer owned by GENCI and operated into the TGCC by CEA, is the first French Tier0 system open to scientists through the French participation into the PRACE research infrastructure.

Curie is offering 3 different fractions of x86-64 computing resources for addressing a wide range of scientific challenges and offering an aggregate peak performance of 2 PetaFlops.


Nebulae is a supercomputer located at the National Supercomputing Center (Shenzhen) in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Built from a Dawning TC3600 Blade system with Intel Xeon X5650 processors and Nvidia Tesla C2050 GPUs, it has a peak performance of 1.271 petaflops using the LINPACK benchmark suite. Nebulae was ranked the second most powerful computer in the world in the June 2010 list of the fastest supercomputers according to TOP500.

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