Saturday, 21 July 2012

Encrypt Data On Your Personal Computer (Windows, Linux and Mac OS)

What is Encryption ?

Encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called a cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key.Modern computer computer encryption systems use complicated techniques developed over a number of years, and are able to provide an advanced level of security. Most encryption experts believe that with the correct configuration and options, today's encryption software can generate encrypted text which can not be broken by even the most sophisticated attacks.

Encrypt your Data Using TrueCrypt

Follow the steps below to successfully achieve encryption of data stored on your personal computer.

1-Downlaod TrueCrypt version depending on your operating system (Windows, Mac and Linux) from here and install it. Its free.

2-Launch the TrueCrypt from your start icon.

3- You will see a window like this. Click on the create volume.

4-This will launch the volume creation wizard. Choose create an encrypted file container.

5-Choose standard true crypt volume.

6-Next the wizard will ask you to specify a folder. Create a new folder in any of your drive and select it.

7-Choose the encryption algorithm as AES and choose any hash algorithm.
8-Specify the size of the container. Specify it according to your disk space and the type of files you want to place in it. If you want to place videos then specify a larger size( in GB) and if only text file size in MB will also work.

9- Enter the password. You must choose a long and secure password consisting of upper case and lower case letters and characters such as @ %.

10- Click format to complete the creation of the container. Move your mouse for some time on the setup window it increases the strength of the encryption key.

11-Click exit.

12-Now go to the main truecrypt window and select the file you created. Mount it on any of the drives given above. You will be asked for the password you just created.

13-Now you shall see a new virtual drive in your my computer. Place the data you want to place in it .When you are done storing the data. Launch true crypt and dismount it. The drive  will disappear and dismounting it would render it inaccessible. For accessing the data again you will have to mount the file again. But remember the software will ask you for password every time you will try to mount it so no unauthorized person can not access it. When the computer is turned off , the drive is dismounted automatically.

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